Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Windows Fundamentals

Microsoft Windows is an operating system that helps a person interact with a personal computer (PC). Programmers who want to create applications that people can use on MS Windows base them on a library called Win32.

Win32 is a library of data types, constants, functions, and classes (mainly structures) used to create applications for the Microsoft Windows operating system.

To create a basic application, you will first need a compiler that runs on a Microsoft Windows operating system. Although you can apply Win32 on various languages, including Pascal (namely Borland Delphi), we will use only one language. In reality the Win32 library is written in C, which is also the primary language of the Microsoft Windows operating systems. All of our programs will be written in C++. You will not see a difference between C and C++ in our programs. Although all of the structures of Win32 are mostly C objects, we will use Win32 as if it were a C++ library. This simply means that, whenever needed, we will apply C++ rules.

heere link reference

Creating a Win32 Program


Name Company said...

tutorial http://www.winprog.org/tutorial/

Name Company said...



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