Sunday, April 20, 2008

8086 assembler tutorial

Duhh ive exam this wednesday! tonight i must upload the tutoriol that need to submit tonight..ive study a code that i dont understand in class since i always talking with my frend at back looking the means of jmp, jne, duhh what the heck is its is same as if = , <>

The logic is very simple, for example:
it's required to compare 5 and 2,
5 - 2 = 3
the result is not zero (Zero Flag is set to 0).

Another example:
it's required to compare 7 and 7,
7 - 7 = 0
the result is zero! (Zero Flag is set to 1 and JZ or JE will do the jump).

i want to keep this things in my note huhuhu!!and share for all...

pray for me to do this exam ahaks this wednesday:P

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